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News & Upcoming Events

August 2024

Eddie and Jonah join the lab!

June 2024

Pierce Taylor passes the BCBA exam!

June 2024

Celeste Tevis successfully passes her dissertation defense!

May 2024

Several members of the lab presented posters and symposiums at the Association for Behavior Analysis International conference in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

 May 2024

The lab celebrates the end of a year with a party!

 April 2024

Alva Allen successfully proposes her thesis!

January 2024

Katherine Bridges and Eddie Blakemore are awarded the ASPIRE travel grant.

December 2023

The lab gets tapas to celebrate the end of the semester! 

November 2023

Celeste Tevis' chapter, "Comorbid Diagnosis of ASD and ADHD: Assessment and Treatment Considerations" was published in Clinical Handbook of ADHD Assessment and Treatment Across the Lifespan!

October 2023

Several members of the lab attended and presented posters at the Gulf Coast ABA conference in New Orleans. 

September 2023

Dr. Morris and Adelaide Pizzuto's paper, "Secondary and within-session analyses to improve the feasibility and precision of assessments of sociability" was published!

July 2023

PhD students Pierce Taylor and Alva Allen joined the lab!

March 2023

Dr. Morris and Sarah Lucia's paper, "Applying the ETBD to model the subtypes of ASIB" was published!

March 2023

Dr. Morris, Madison Gallagher, and Alva Allen's paper, "A review of methods of assessing preference for social stimuli" was published!

January 2023

Dr. Morris, Alva Allen, & Madison Gallagher's paper "Evaluating the number of sessions in MSWOs for Social Interaction" was published!

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